Sunday 13 February 2011

Auckland to Manukau (which is just another bit of Auckland, really.)

Wednesday 09.02.2011

We’re not going to fill up this space with too many words, the pictures tell the story. This is Auckland’s Sky Tower from the bottom.
And the top.
And through the floor.
The bridge and marina.
Some more bits of the city.
Tonight we’re in a proper camp-site and we’ve managed to pack up all our stuff again. Tomorrow morning we hand Kiwi Ken back to Maui and fly to Adelaide via Melbourne. We’re going to miss New Zealand like crazy, we’ve loved this beautiful, friendly, easy country from the day we set foot in it. We could’ve spent a week exploring everywhere we’ve been for a day, plus all the places in-between. Five weeks was never going to be enough, but a lifetime wouldn’t have been either. We’ve seen and done more than we ever imagined we could, and that’ll do.

Sweet as.

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