Wednesday 23 March 2011

Homeless again

Australia Zoo was fab.
We were there first thing in the morning and managed to see pretty much everything. They have a big emphasis on protecting endangered species and educating people about how to care for the wildlife around them. We watched a couple of shows in the big arenas; they spend a lot of time explaining animal behaviour so that when you come across a croc or a snake you know what to do in order that both parties might survive the encounter. Of course they also have the big dramatics when the 12’ long crocodile hurtles out of the water to grab the chicken being dangled in front of him,
and although you know they do it every day it’s still edge of your seat stuff.
The kangaroos and wallabies that roam about the park area are as tame as anything;
they’ll eat food out of your hand and put up with being patted by enthusiastic toddlers. We got to tick off a few of Australia’s more elusive creatures, such as Cassowaries & wombats.
Outside the zoo there is a wildlife hospital that is open 24/7, and takes in any sick or injured animals. The facilities are amazing given that the whole thing is operated by donations. There was a baby koala being examined on the operating table while we were there and a bird that was having a flight feather transplant.

Friday was our van hand-over day, so we had a lovely walk through the Glasshouse Mountains in the morning. Beautiful, peaceful countryside with these unlikely looking monolithic outcrops towering up from the forest floor.
25 million years ago lava erupted through the surrounding sandstone; the sandstone has been eroded away by the sea and when the sea levels dropped again these volcanic plugs were left behind.

After lunch we drove back into Brisbane, booked into a Formula 1, dumped all our stuff in the room and cleaned out the van. Maui was only a half hour walk from the hotel so we dropped the van off and walked back. It took a bit longer ‘cos we forgot to find an ATM while we still had wheels and then had our dinner in a cafĂ© on the way back. Back at the Formula 1 we once again packed all our worldly belongings into our bags, booked a taxi to the airport in the morning and went to bed.

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