Sunday 21 February 2010

The Waiting Game

Well the ‘For Sale’ sign has been up for over a week and we’ve been inundated with no phone calls, e-mails or visits from anybody. The plan is to give it 6 weeks and then, if we haven’t sold, to drop the price - so we did sort of expect a period of calm. It’s a blessing really, this weekend we tidied up the veg patch, ruthlessly thinned out the wardrobe and emptied the loft, oh we know how to live! The loft has been a mess ever since we had the roof re-slated; with bits of mortar and old slate everywhere, now it’s empty and clean and we never have to go up there again.

We have some sad news this week, unfortunately one of our cats, Bailey, went adventuring from Ann-Marie’s parents and hasn’t found his way back yet.
Mum & Dad have been brilliant and done everything they can. He’s a gregarious chap and we have no doubt he will charm his way into a new home but it hurts that we may not see him again.

Dave started renovating one of our 3 remaining ‘A’ Series Citroens this week. Even if someone were to make an offer on the house tomorrow he should still have time to finish. It makes sense to get both 2CVs sorted if we can and sell them with MOTs. We’re keeping the Acadiane, Poubelle, our tiny camper which is beautifully barge painted and fitted out like a little narrowboat inside.  Here she is in Denmark, taken on our way to the 2007 World Meeting in Sweden.

In our effort to become listless we thought we’d keep some statistics so we could tell if it’s working, so this week’s numbers are: Items added to lists = 3, items ticked off lists = 4, this week we’re winning!

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